We are farmers and watermen who are dedicated to our regions’ agricultural and maritime traditions and the unique marine environments we are privileged to work in. We wake up every day thinking about how to make our product better and our process more efficient. We hope this dedication comes through in the quality of clams, oysters, and sunrays we deliver to our customers.
Click map pin for location details
About Two Docks Shellfish
Father and son team, Aaron W. Welch, III, JD, Ph.D. and Aaron W. Welch, Jr. Ph.D. (father)
We farm shellfish in Lower Tampa Bay, Fl with headquarters in Bradenton, Fl.
We also operate a shellfish hatchery in Ft. Pierce, FL where we raise hard clam seed with plans to do SRV and Oysters eventually.
Seafood Offered
Hard clams, Oysters, We farm hard clams (Mercenaria mercenaria), Sun Ray Venus clams (Macrocallistra nimbosa) and Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea sp.). We sell to local restaurants (see website) and retail to Bayway Country Store and The Citrus Place (addresses below). We also sell direct to consummers through our website Twodocksshellfish.com. To order online go to the “Order for Pickup” page on the website, click on the product you would like to purchase along with the desired retail location. Once you have selected your product and pickup location you can pay online via PayPal or credit card. Pickup locations are: Mixon Fruit Farms @2525 27th Street East, Bradenton FL, 34208. Phone: 800-608-2525, Web: market.mixon.com. Eat Here Anna Maria @ 5315 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach, FL, 34217. Phone: 941-778-0411, Web: https://www.eathereflorida.com. Bayway Country Store @ 5401 Leeland Street South, St. Petersburg, FL 33715, Phone: 727-867-7507, Web: www.baywaycountrystore.net. The Citrus Place @ 7200 US-19, Palmetto, FL 34250. Phone: 941-722-6745, Web: https://www.facebook.com/TheCitrusPlace/. - Orders must be placed by Wednesday 5PM to ensure we can harvest and deliver your product in time for a pickup on Friday. Any orders received after Wednesday 5PM will be scheduled for pickup the following Friday. - Harvested product will be delivered to retail locations by Friday at noon. Customers will have until Saturday close of business at their retail location to pick up their order. No refunds will be provided for uncollected product. Hours for our retail partners are posted on the “Pickup Locations” page.6
Number of Fishermen Sourced From
Years in Business
What are the Local Catch core values?
The value statements outlined below aim to create a higher level of accountability and trust, both internally within the network and externally to the public, in order to advance the movement of Community Supported Fisheries (CSF) and like-minded community-based seafood operations.
- Community-Based Fisheries
- Fair Access
- Fair Price
- Eating with the Ecosystem
- Traceable and Simple Supply Chains
- Catch and Handle with Honor
- Community and Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management
- Honoring the Ocean
- Creativity and Collaboration