All of this values are the basis of the mission of our MV Seafood Collaborative program, which operates under the direction of our non-profit, the Martha's Vineyard Fishermen's Preservation Trust (MVSC) . Our mission at the MVFPT is to safeguard Martha's Vineyard's fishing heritage and future by supporting the island's small-boat, owner-operated fishing fleets and their sustainably harvested catch.
Martha's Vineyard Seafood Collaborative
Click map pin for location details
About Martha's Vineyard Seafood Collaborative
The Martha's Vineyard Seafood Collaborative (MVSC) was established in 2021 as an extension of the Martha’s Vineyard Fishermen’s Preservation Trust, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. The MVSC supports a network of local independent commercial fishermen and shellfish farmers by purchasing, marketing, and wholesaling their harvests to local consumers.
Seafood Offered
American lobster, Bluefish, Flounder, Hard clams, Oysters, Scallops, Scup, Soft-shell clams, Striped bass, Tautog, Triggerfish, Black Sea Bass, Bay and Sea scallop (it just says scallops), Summer Flounder (Just says flounder)1
Number of Fishermen Sourced From
Years in Business
What are the Local Catch core values?
The value statements outlined below aim to create a higher level of accountability and trust, both internally within the network and externally to the public, in order to advance the movement of Community Supported Fisheries (CSF) and like-minded community-based seafood operations.
- Community-Based Fisheries
- Fair Access
- Fair Price
- Eating with the Ecosystem
- Traceable and Simple Supply Chains
- Catch and Handle with Honor
- Community and Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management
- Honoring the Ocean
- Creativity and Collaboration