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About Local Lobster

A husband and wife fishermen team based in Bar Harbor, ME. We are passionate about local food networks and food access, we try to share our catch with our local community in as many ways as possible: from off-the-boat sales, to selling at the local Farmers Market, supplying restaurants with our products and donating to others in need. Our main fishery is for American lobster, but we also catch Jonah crabs, scallops, halibut, mussels and oysters.

Location Options
  • Dock Pick-up
  • Fishermen/Farmers Market
  • Roadside Stand
Purchasing Options
  • One-time Purchase
Delivery Options
  • In-Person Pick-Up
  • Local Delivery
Food Access Options
  • Sliding Scale Fees Offered
  • Female
  • Fishing-Family

Seafood Offered

American lobster, Halibut, Mussels, Oysters, Scallops, Stone crab




Number of Fishermen Sourced From

The value statements outlined below aim to create a higher level of accountability and trust, both internally within the network and externally to the public, in order to advance the movement of Community Supported Fisheries (CSF) and like-minded community-based seafood operations.

  • Community-Based Fisheries
  • Fair Access
  • Fair Price
  • Eating with the Ecosystem
  • Traceable and Simple Supply Chains
  • Catch and Handle with Honor
  • Community and Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management
  • Honoring the Ocean
  • Creativity and Collaboration

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As a two person crew we can be in complete control of our handling practices. From the moment our trap is hoisted off bottom we maintain a proper speed for the care of the animal, to when the trap hits the rail and we bring it aboard with the utmost care to avoid damaging protruding claws. Once onboard the vessel our culling setup is specifically designed to keep the animals healthy and get them directly into our live tank as fast as possible. We don't just catch a lobster, we harvest a living being that we are lucky enough to have the privilege of making a living and sharing our life with.

We are Maine lobster harvesters so we are subjected to strict regulations and management. the thing that makes us feel good about our fishery is how well regulated we are. The Maine fishery is managed by the state inside 3 miles and the federal government outside 3 miles. Inside that 3-mile boundary it is split up into 7 zones. Ours is zone b. We have a council that is made up of local harvesters from each community inside the zone and we keep tabs and make rules and suggestions to keep our area and fishery healthy. Contrary to the popular misconception, the Maine lobster fishery is very conscious of the health of our industry and the fact that we need to pass something on to the next generation.

As someone who was regulated out of the small boat ground fishery I strongly believe in community-based fisheries. It is the best and most sustainable way to keep something strong and viable. Having a core group of people that really care about an area and its future is integral to having not only the fishery but the actual community itself.

Having a wife with a very active imagination and a master's degree is where our creativity comes from and collaborating is extremely important because without collaboration we have no community. We can't and don't want to do any of this alone and really appreciate like-minded organizations and individuals. We try to collaborate with people from all walks of life to get them the seafood to help them have a balanced local diet and thrive.

Eating with the ecosystem is how we like to live our lives, we have a garden, we source as much local food as we can, and eat as much as we can from the ocean as each season allows. The same goes for land, we take what each season provides and incorporate it into our meals.

Fair access as a value is at the top of our list. We have a sliding scale on our prices depending on need and we like to donate to our friends without walls, and anyone else in our community that is hungry or less fortunate than us. It is one of our most important values and part of the reason we have started this business. Everyone should be able to eat fresh seafood. As a deckhand, I didn't have the right to give away my boss's catch. But as a business owner, I can now give away lobster to anyone I want to!

I like to think we honor the ocean every day. We go out of our way to clean up any trash we see floating, we re-use as much rope, as many traps and really anything that can be recycled in our line of work. We really just try and remember that it is a privilege to be able to be involved in a business where we can spend every day on the water and just have a little reverence for that privilege. Climate change could change a lot and we acknowledge that.

We actually want to have our business names on our bands so we can be traced right back to our boat. I am very proud of our product, where it comes from and how we get it directly to the individuals that enjoy it. So I believe it doesn't get any more simple or traceable than that!