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About Epick Seafoods LLC

Mariah grew up in Nederland, Jake grew up in Alaska, and they both worked on commercial fishing boats for many seasons before buying their own boat and starting a family. Now they spend their winters in Colorado while Jake continues to run the boat in Bristol Bay in the summer. They love bringing a little bit of the ocean back with them in the form of wild and sustainable sockeye salmon, and they love sharing it with their neighbors here in the mountains.

Location Options
  • Community Supported Fishery/Seafood Box
  • Fishermen/Farmers Market
  • Retail Outlet
  • Wholesale
Purchasing Options
  • One-time Purchase
  • Subscription
Delivery Options
  • In-Person Pick-Up
  • Local Delivery
  • Shipping Available
Food Access Options
  • SNAP/EBT Accepted
  • Fishing-Family

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Seafood Offered

Salmon, wild Alaskan smoked sockeye salmon




Number of Fishermen Sourced From


Years in Business

The value statements outlined below aim to create a higher level of accountability and trust, both internally within the network and externally to the public, in order to advance the movement of Community Supported Fisheries (CSF) and like-minded community-based seafood operations.

  • Community-Based Fisheries
  • Fair Access
  • Fair Price
  • Eating with the Ecosystem
  • Traceable and Simple Supply Chains
  • Catch and Handle with Honor
  • Community and Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management
  • Honoring the Ocean
  • Creativity and Collaboration

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Our dream is to make our supply chain as sustainable as the salmon runs themselves. We've started by investing in an electric car and solar panels to power our local deliveries. This investment means a few extra years before we turn a profit, but that profit will be more sustainable, since environmental sustainability and economic sustainability are the same thing.

Bristol Bay Sockeye is one of the most biologically sustainable fisheries in the world, thanks in part to the fact that not many people live there. The rivers and spawning grounds are nearly pristine, which makes for healthy salmon runs. These healthy salmon runs fuel one of the most profitable fisheries in the world.

But, we can't all live in Bristol Bay year round and eat wild salmon in view of their home rivers. To get the salmon where it is needed, we rely on ships, planes, and trucks. Most of which rely on fossil fuels. And the emissions of those fuels will come around to bite Bristol Bay, even while its shores appear largely pristine.

Climate change will leave nowhere for fish to hide. Even the most advanced fisheries management will not keep fishermen in business.

To make our fishery truly sustainable, we need to think about forging more sustainable links in our supply chain. A solar powered freezer facility is doable. In a year there will be electric trucks capable of hauling all our salmon inland.

Barges, tenders and fishing boats get more complicated, and it will be a few more years before they can run entirely on electricity. But, they've run on wind power before.

The Bristol Bay fleet used sails and oars into the 1950s. Even the ships that brought all the canned salmon south were sail-driven. The fishermen and processing plant workers all helped crew the sailing ships between Alaska and California, bringing their boats and supplies north, and the canned salmon south.

That's more interesting than a plane ride. The future of fishing is wild, sustainable, and Epick.